Monday, February 25, 2013

Humility and Faith

Luke 7:1-17
Why do I get the feeling the Centurion in our story today was a bit different than a lot of the crowds who followed Jesus?  Do you ever wonder what it was like to be around Jesus during His ministry?  Some accounts seem more like a mob than a gathering.  I can see people pushing and shoving among the crowd just for a chance to touch the hem of His garment.  If you have ever done much traveling to other countries you might have a better idea of what it may have been like.  I can remember being in countries like Thailand and Vietnam when we adopted our son and having to deal with crowds.  I’ll never forget the first time my wife and I went to board a plane and the massive pushing and shoving that took place.  I was not anticipating it and let's just say I became visibly irritated at everyone around me.  I think they just looked at me and said “silly American, doesn’t he know this is how you board a plane?”  I think being around Jesus was probably similar to the mayhem we experienced in such crowds. 

Unlike me waiting to board a plane the centurion had the right idea.  He sent people ahead to do his bidding not having to deal with the crowds at all.  Once Jesus responded two distinct things stick out to me about the Centurion; his humility and his faith.  First we see his humility when he has his friends tell Jesus “Lord do not trouble yourself, for I am not worthy to have you come under my roof.”  This is not the same attitude of many in the crowds who would fight to see Jesus, or for that matter of many of the religious leaders who seemed to be more about being seen and pomp and circumstance than actually caring for others.  The centurion’s faith shows up when he has his friends say, “say the word and let my servant be healed.”  Talk about supreme faith!  He didn’t even need to see Jesus.  He believed he could simply send a message to Him and that would do just fine.  So often we look to the well known names for our examples of faith in scripture like Moses, Elijah, Peter, or John, but you don’t get any better example than this nameless centurion.  What about you?  How’s your faith?  We worship and serve the same Lord and Savior as the centurion did.  Do you have a “say the word” kind of faith when you pray to God? 

Dear Lord Jesus, you can say the word and work miracles, and move mountains, and heal the sick.  Lord Jesus, say the word and do all the amazing things you have in store for my life.  And like the centurion help me to live with humility and faith.  Amen.  

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