Friday, October 14, 2016

A Prayer for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton

This Sunday I’m preaching through 1st Timothy 2:1-8.  As is often the case, as I was preparing my message God started convicting me.  This time around it was in verse two with a clear call to pray for our countries leaders.  I wasn’t convicted so much about our current leaders as I was the ones who are aspiring to the nation’s highest office.  It occurred to me that I had not said a single prayer for either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.  I’ve spent my fair share of time bashing both of them among friends and on social media, but not a single prayer on their behalf.  So please allow me to remedy that now.

Dear Heavenly Father, first off I would like to say I’m sorry and ask for your forgiveness.  I have been more concerned about expressing my opinions about these two individuals than I have been about praying for them.  God I acknowledge that you created Donald and Hillary in your image.  I acknowledge that for all the faults people may find in them, I believe they are both in the presidential race because they desire to make our world a better place.  God I acknowledge that I am a sinner just like them and we all have fallen short of your glory.  Lord, barring your divine intervention it’s very likely that one of them will end up being our president and so I want to lift both of them up to You.  I pray that You would draw them close to You.  I pray that You would help them to know and understand Your heart.  I pray that they would follow the example You have given us in Your son Jesus Christ, and that they would be true servant-leaders; governing from a place of humility and not pride.  Lord, would You also help them to understand more and more what it means to be holy and set apart.  I pray that you would convict them when it comes to integrity and honesty; may they govern with clean hands and a pure heart.  Lord, I thank You that You are a God of redemption.  You have redeemed your followers, You can redeem any of the mistakes either of these two have made, and You can redeem the ugly spectacle this election has become.  Lord, whichever of these two come into office I pray that You would help them help us as a country to put away our anger and dissension, and to follow You and love You as we seek to love and serve others.  In Jesus name amen.

I’m not sure if this prayer did anything for you, but I know one thing for sure; I feel a lot better for having written it.  And let us never forget, regardless of who wins this election, God is still sovereign and on His throne.