Thursday, March 21, 2013

Who's Your Cornerstone?

Luke 20

Whenever I read the parable of the wicked tenants I get very frustrated with that vineyard owner.  Doesn’t he get it?!?  When he talks about sending his son I literally want to yell out “DON’T DO IT!  Then I have to remember it’s just a parable, and like all parables it’s told to make a point.  Here’s a quick, highly accepted interpretation of this parable.  God is the vineyard owner and the three servants He sends represent Old Testament prophets.  The son being sent of course represents Jesus.  Jesus actually uses the words of His Father at His baptism when He says “my beloved son.”  When the son is sent, things only get worse.  It’s no longer a beating, they actually kill the son.  The obvious parallel is Israel’s wide spread rejection of Jesus Christ.

In this parable the vineyard owner gives His vineyard over to new tenants, just as God’s lifesaving message through Jesus Christ is also given to the Gentiles.  In verse 17 Jesus quotes Psalm 118:22, The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.  Jesus Christ needs to be our cornerstone.  The cornerstone as the foundation of any building is the most important stone to be laid.  Everything else works off of it.  Like that cornerstone we need Jesus Christ at the foundation of our lives.  Just for kicks I googled “cornerstone church.”  I got 3,310,000 results.  That gives you an idea of how important Jesus Christ is to Bible believing churches.  Don’t reject the cornerstone.

Dear Lord Jesus, like a building needs structural integrity I want my life to have integrity too.  Help me to keep you as the cornerstone of my life.  Amen.


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