Friday, November 13, 2015

Four Observations on the Starbucks Red Cup Fiasco

For the record as I write this I’m sitting in my local Panera and not the Starbucks down the street, although my reason for that has nothing to do with Starbucks choice of cups.  It’s because THE PRICE OF COFFEE AND COFFEE RELATED PRODUCTS AT STARBUCKS IS ABSURD!  That and for my tastes nothing at Starbucks can beat Panera’s cinnamon crunch bagel.  Since it seems to be everywhere I look these days I thought I would share my thoughts on the recent Starbucks news.

1.     The guy who started this is publicity driven and probably cares more about his image than legitimate Christian concerns.  I should note I’m not using his name on purpose because I don’t want to draw any more attention to him.

2.     No right thinking Christian agrees with him.  There are plenty of things Christians should get upset about.  This isn’t one of them.  Remember, just because a video goes viral doesn’t mean everyone who watches that video agrees with what’s being said. I’m sure many watch his videos with more of a “what’s this idiot rambling on about now” attitude.

3.     More liberal leaning Christians need to realize this isn’t a conservative Christian thing.  Perhaps just as disappointing to me as the video was the numerous liberal Christian voices decrying this as a problem with the evangelical right wing Christian movement.  It’s almost like they were happy to point this out as a right wing Christian issue.  It was simply more ammo in their efforts to rail against what they see as what’s wrong with more conservative leaning Christians.  I feel like some need to be reminded that we’re all on the same team; saved by grace and living for Jesus.

4.     The culture war is real and worth fighting for.  What Starbucks decides to put on their cups for the Christmas season need not be a part of the culture war, but there are plenty of other issues worth taking a stand for.  On social media, many rightly pointed out our call as Christians to care for the widow, the orphan, the sick, the poor, etc.  The problem comes when they add “instead of getting caught up in culture wars.”  It shouldn’t be an “either or” kind of thing, it should be about both.  Yes we seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus caring for the least of these, and yes we also seek to take a stand for Christian values in our communities and the nation.  Jesus came to this earth full of grace and truth (John 1:14) and we too can be full of grace as we care for others and stand for truth as we seek to make a difference in our world.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Deciphering God's Will

I’ve been thinking a lot about God’s will lately; His will in my life and His will for things in general.  I suppose His will for things in general is a bit easier to grasp.  How about anything that helps to bring about His kingdom here on earth?  I say that both in terms of people coming to relationship with God through Jesus Christ as well as the social aspects of bringing about His kingdom and making our world a better more loving place for God’s glory.

But what about our personal lives?  I think both of my grandmothers prayed for me to find the right wife from the time they knew I was conceived.  I guess they did well because after 23 years I still love my wife more than ever and can’t imagine my life without her.  But was she the only one for me?  On a similar note my son is a senior in high school and looking at colleges.  Should I be praying that he finds the one specific college that is God’s will for him?  Or on a more superfluous note, my mom always used to pray for a good parking spot when we would go to the mall or similar places.  If she got that spot was it God’s will, and if she didn’t get that spot did God want us to get some exercise?

I’ve always like Romans 12:1-2 when it comes to figuring out all this will of God stuff.  Therefore I urge you brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good pleasing and perfect will.  Here’s what I think this passage is telling us.  I think it’s telling us that God’s will isn’t so much about the specifics of life as it is about wholeheartedly living your life for Him.  To offer our bodies as living sacrifices is to give every aspect of our lives over to God.  So often we like to pick and choose the areas we want to give to God and the areas we want to hang on to for ourselves.  God is also in the business of transforming lives, but we usually have a part to play in that transformation (Sorry if that last sentence offends some of my Calvinist leaning friends out there). When our hearts are stubborn we can quench the Holy Spirit’s work in us so we need to be open to and desire God’s transforming work.  When we are our minds are renewed.  That is we start thinking about things differently.  We start thinking about things more like Jesus thought about things.  The desires of God’s heart become the desires of our own hearts.

The more this transformation takes place the more we find ourselves in line with God’s will for our lives.  So let’s get back to some of those specific situations.  Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend you think might be the one?  How about you start by making sure both of you are allowing God to do His transforming work in your lives and that you’re giving your entire relationship over to Him.  If you’re doing this than I say you are in God’s will.  You’ll still want to get a feel for whether or not your boyfriend or girlfriend is a good complement to your personality and if you naturally get along and think of him or her as a best friend.  These are things that may help a marriage to thrive but they are not necessarily about God’s will.  Or to use the college example; no I don’t think there is just one college out there for you; or one grad school, or one career for that matter.  Students, if you’re planning to use college as a time to party, womanize (or manize) and conveniently forget about the convictions of your faith than it doesn’t matter what school you choose, you will not be in God’s will.  On the other hand if you take Romans 12:1-2 seriously and seek to worship God with all aspects of your life than you can pick any college and still be in God’s will.

I think when we start to see God’s will in this light it becomes very freeing. Suddenly there’s not so much pressure surrounding all those big decisions; like finding the right parking spot.