Luke 22:14-38
Today is Maundy
Thursday. Next to Easter it might be my
favorite day of Holy Week. It
commemorates the last supper of Jesus Christ with His disciples that we read
about in our scripture passage. I enjoy
it so much because of the tradition we’ve started at our church. We have a simple soup and bread meal and
after the meal we read some of the scripture passages leading up through the
last supper and then we share in communion as a church family. It’s a very meaningful time, and I love
having all our families gathered around the tables taking communion together in
such an intimate setting.
Sometimes communion can
become more of a rote ritual, and that’s the last thing it should ever be. When Jesus takes the bread and says “this is
my body given for you”, and He takes the cup and says “this cup that is poured
out for you is the new covenant in my blood” these are powerful life changing
statements. When Jesus says “new
covenant in my blood” He’s saying it’s no longer about the old covenant; as in
the one God made with His people, the one that involved animal sacrifice for
one’s sins. Under that Covenant the
sacrifice was said to cover our sin, Jesus’ death on the other hand removes our
sins all together. There is no more need
to sacrifice animals because Jesus is our forever sacrifice. There is great freedom in this new covenant
of Christ. There is also great joy in
knowing His sacrifice has removed our sins.
I encourage you to find a new
way to take communion today. Maybe your
church also does something like mine, but if not there’s nothing in the Bible
that says you have to take communion from a priest or a Pastor. Maybe you could even do something around your
dinner table with the family. Whatever
you do, take the time today to be thankful His body was broken for you and His
blood was shed for you.
Dear Lord Jesus I thank
you for Your New Covenant. I’m thankful
for your shed blood. Help me to always
remember Your sacrifice as I live my life in joyful thankfulness to You. Amen.
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