Luke 22:54-65
I’ve always found the
account of Peter denying Jesus a tough one to read. If you’re like me, it makes you wonder what
you would do if you were in Peter’s shoes (or sandals). Some might have a self-righteous attitude
towards Peter and ridicule him for his lack of courage and conviction, but I
just can’t do that. The fact of the
matter is I don’t know what it’s like to be in his shoes. I’ve never been in a situation where my life
might be in danger if I didn’t deny Christ.
I think I wouldn’t do the same as Peter and I can say so, but it’s
nothing more than cheap talk. All I know
is that I’m thankful Jesus had the courage that Peter didn’t seem to have in
that moment. At any point Jesus could
have bowed out, but He had already said to His Heavenly Father “not my will but
yours.” Jesus was going to that cross
whether Peter would be there to support Him or not. And on that cross He died for all of Peter’s
sins, not just his denial that evening.
I know Peter was thankful
for His Lord’s forgiveness. After His
resurrection Jesus asks Peter three separate times if he loves Him. Of course Jesus knows Peter loves Him, He’s
just giving Peter the chance to declare His love for Him three times, almost as
if to make up for Peter denying Him three times. And Peter will go on to be a mighty disciple
for Christ feeding His sheep and being the rock on which Christ builds His
church. Kind of makes you glad Jesus
doesn’t hold grudges. Like Peter, we can
do great things for the Lord despite our past sins and failures. For me it’s about making sure I’m not denying
Him in the little opportunities. If I
have a chance to share about my faith in Christ with someone and I pass it up,
I feel like I’ve denied Jesus. For that
matter I’ve also denied someone the opportunity to hear His life changing
message. If I have a chance to serve
someone else with a simple act of love or encouragement and I pass it up, I
feel like that’s a denial too. Let’s
face it, unlike Peter our opportunities to represent Christ to others will not
have life or death ramifications for us.
For that we should be thankful, but Jesus still wants us seizing those
opportunities for Him.
Dear Lord Jesus, help me not
to deny you in the little things of life and to represent you well both in my
words and in my actions. Amen.
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