Monday, March 11, 2013

Spiderman and End Times

Luke 12:35-59

When speaking of when our Lord will come again my old pastor always used to say “it’s closer today than it’s ever been.”  How true, and with each passing day it gets that much closer.  There’s a lot in our passage today about being ready for His return.  That’s really what all that talk about servants and masters and coming home from wedding feasts is all about.  We don’t know when it will be, but scripture speaks of Christ glorious return to take His people home to His heavenly kingdom that He’s been preparing.  And this time it won’t be as a humble lowly babe in a manger.  He’ll be on a horse with a sword as the reigning King of kings and Lord of lords.  So what about you?  Are you ready for His return?  Will you be awake?  Jesus gives us an image of not sleeping and being awake, dressed, and ready.  I know I want to be ready.  I don’t want to be living a lukewarm half asleep life for my Lord when He returns.  As a matter a fact, I want to be the one of whom the Spiderman reference is given in verse 48.  To whom much is given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand more.  You have to admit that sounds an awful lot like Uncle Ben’s words to Peter Parker, with great power comes great responsibility.  Like Spidey, we have been given a great power too.  Ours is from the Holy Spirit (2nd Timothy 1:7) If you love God, don’t you want use His power to do all you can for Him in your short time here on this earth?  Don’t you want to be entrusted with much, so you can do that much more for Him? 

Dear Lord, I thank you that as Your word says, I have not been given a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, and of love, and of self-control.  Lord, help me to be vigilant and awake, and to use Your Spirit’s power to serve you well and love others in Your name until we meet face to face.  Amen.

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