Friday, February 10, 2017

Should I Send My Christian Kid to a Christian College?

This is a follow up to last week’s blog post “What Makes a Christian College Christian?”  It’s all well and good to try and define what a Christian college is but I got to wondering whether or not parents would want to send their Christian kids to a Christian college in the first place.  My initial response would be that you should definitely look into it.  That doesn’t mean that a Christian college will be the best choice for your son or daughter, but they won’t know that for sure without looking into one or two.  Here are some good reasons to do so.

1.     An education with a biblical world view – For me this is one of the most important reasons. It seems many secular schools are becoming little more than echo chambers with a narrow and liberal focus.  Unfortunately there is not a whole lot of diversity of thought.  I realize that is a generalization, and one might argue that Christian schools are echo chambers as well.  That might be the case, but if a school is going to have a narrow focus when it comes to its world view, wouldn’t you want that narrow focus to be based in the truths of scripture?
2.     Students can be with likeminded students – It’s nice for kids to be able to share the same faith and values.  That being said, I should note that just because they share the same faith and values that doesn’t mean there isn’t room for plenty of diversity.  Christian kids can be Republican or Democrat, conservative or liberal, NASCAR fans or ballet fans, into sports or into the theatre, upper income class or lower income class, Baptist or Episcopal, and so on.  In the midst of all those differences it’s nice to share the same faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.   
3.     Lots of opportunities to grow in your Christian faith – Between ministry opportunities, short term mission trips, inner-city service projects, special worship services, chapel, and bible studies, there is no shortage of opportunities for Christian kids to grow in their faith at a Christian school.  I readily admit there are opportunities for kids to grow in their faith at secular schools as well.  Especially if it’s a larger school down south.  Through organizations like Intervarsity and Cru students can easily find a good Christian environment.  At other schools it can be a bit more difficult.  Can a kid grow in their faith at a small New England college with little to no Christian clubs or organizations?  Yes they can, but they would definitely have to make more of an effort.  Ultimately, whether or not a Christian college kid grows in their faith during their four years of college depends on just how much they want to.  If they are at a place where they are not taking their faith very seriously than it probably doesn’t matter much where they go.  I was a youth pastor for 17 years and during that time I saw plenty of kids go off to secular schools and end up thriving in their faith and I saw plenty of kids going to Christian schools and end up struggling in their faith.  But in general the ones who went to Christian schools tended to flourish in their Christian faith more (for numerous reasons).

Some of you as parents at this point might be saying to yourself “I would love for my kid to look into a Christian school but I just don’t think he or she is interested.”  Here is my suggestion for you.  Encourage them to look into a Christian school anyway.  Notice I said encourage and not force.  There’s always that delicate balance between it being your son or daughter’s decision and it being your money.  As parents you have the right to gently nudge them in a direction you think is good for them.  I would simply say up front that part of the process will include looking at and applying to at least two Christian schools.  You are not forcing them to go to any particular school but you are at least exposing them to that option.  And let’s face it; most kids really don’t know what they want when it comes to looking at colleges.  They may not think they want to go to a Christian school but once they visit one they could totally change their mind. 

For me personally, my son is currently in his freshmen year at a Christian school down South.  He applied to two Christian schools and two secular schools.  I’m thankful that he seems to be doing quite well.  My daughter is a junior in high school and we are starting the search process all over again with her.  I don’t know if she will end up at a Christian college or not.  All I know is I will follow my own advice in this blog and pray……… a lot!

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